Thursday, February 24, 2011

rFactor Track Conversion - F1 2010 Codemasters Silverstone Circuit

A day of converting... 10 days of UVW corrections and texture updates... A day of creating AIW/CAM files... And lastly a day for setting up this blog and uploading the track... Gotta make it quicker next time...

Well of course if I had a full day for myself, things would be faster but the All Star Weekend... Happens only once a year... That got my full attention... Anyway, below are some quick notes for the Silverstone Circuit conversion:
  • 3 configurations installed (Arena, Bridge and National)
  • The Bridge GP configuration is more of an homage as it doesn't really represent the 2009 track. I'm not sure either if they are still using this configuration but its good to have for testing purposes right...?
  • The National GP configuration also corresponds only to 24 car pit garage but I'll update this for the F3 and Sports Car events soon... Get me a free couple of hours and this will be done... =)
  • A lot of curb/rumblestrip updates but still didn't get to update them all based on the 2010 track... This was as close as I can get as it had a lot of vertices to work with
  • Due to the updates made to the curbs, tested with some 3D models and I have a good feeling about the next update for this track

As usual, preview pictures and the download link:

Download Link:

Since the dead days before the next post bummed me a bit (both as admin and an internalizing reader), I am planning to post some daily blogs on things I like and have opinion about and of course my upcoming projects for whatever game I am playing right now to fill up for those dead days. Anyway, here's a little teaser on what I am going to do as a side project...



  1. Can you please convert round 6 Monaco ?

  2. @nh racing

    but there is already a converted one out... do you mean you want me to convert my own take on monaco?

  3. cico76 : last picture shocked me, I do not understand anything, I want to do everything well, as I want to restore Melbourne, Sepang, Shanghai and Bahrain ( 2010 version and old version). thanks , ciao :))

  4. great conversion again thanks and very good LODs in this track, thanks for 3 layouts

  5. Hi. Nice conversion as all of your are.
    But I have the same problem on all of your tracks. I can't get my FPS at playable rate. After I exit garage and start driving through pitlane my FPS fall down from about 100 to onyl 20-30 and when I exit the pitlane it falls to around 10-15. On some places FPS drops to only 3-4. I tried to lower down details, I even set all to low/off but still the same result, only it is than looking far worse.
    Is there anything I can change in .scn or somwhere else to get my FPS rate to playable rate

  6. @cico76 and Pawel

    as usual, thanks for the support... really very much appreciated...


    i actually have solved that problem, hopefully this works for you... try to turn of every program running and just let rfactor work on its own... im guessing since most of my conversions have a lot of objects, it needs a lot of memory running for the track itself... i don't know if thats true, thats just my theory...

  7. keep up the good work mate!

  8. thanks, but problem is that only my antivirus program was running together with rfactor.
    Is there anything else what I can do to run those tracjs smoothly.

    Btw, I also have Monaco and Abu Dhabi conversions but they run smooth. I only get problems with your tracks (I am not telling that you are doing something wrong) and two of them are very needed to me, Silverstone and Barcelona...

  9. Hello everybody. Hey man this is a very excelelnt converison. I love it.:D. Cucy and nhracing you can download Codemasters Monaco from here:

    That's all

  10. @ADA yes please can you convert your own version of Monaco. I have all your tracks so far and i have put 7 of them into a trackpack i have made for my own use. After you convert Monaco you can continue with the rest of the tracks. :D

  11. Hello again. I made a video about your Silverstone. Watch it.


  12. @Exitheck

    cool vid bro =) thanks for the track showcase!
