Monday, November 8, 2010

rFactor Misc - Starting Grid Editing (Part 1)

, I have been looking for a grid editor for rFactor but basically aside from the Grid Editor program coming from there isn't any. So I went ahead and tried to find out on my own on how I can control the starting grid. I started with the quick race option and here is how I was able to customize my grid:

1. Locate for the "GDB" file of the track/circuit you will customize the grid.
  • The "GDB" file is located in the locations folder of your rFactor game and inside of the track folder.

2. Inside the track "GDB" file, locate for the "Qualifying" event.
  • The "Qualifying" event shows you the starting grid for that specific track if the "Selected Season" option is chosen.
  • If there is no "Qualifying" event lines in your "GDB" file, basically you can create your own.
  • The "Qualifying" event lines usually is located almost at the last or bottom part of the GDB file.
  • If you are to create the "Qualifying" event lines, make sure to follow the format below (as shown on the picture below) or you can try to locate for the "Orchard_Lake_RC GDB File" (There is a format of the "Qualifying" event lines that you can copy there).
3. Edit the "Qualifying" event line to get your desired grid.
  • You can edit the grid by basically arranging the names under the "Qualifying" event lines
4. Make sure to also have the "PitStopStrategies" event under the "Qualifying" event lines to make the grid customization work.
  • You have to also make sure the all the names in the "Qualifying" event are also located in the "PitStopStrategies" event
5. Once all the editing is done under the "Qualifying" and "PitStopStrategies" events, make sure to edit your "Settings" in rFactor under "Rules" to the option "Selected Season".
  • Choosing the option "Selected Season" will follow all events placed under the "GDB" file.
Also, If you are using a player name, meaning your name is a unique one which is not one of the drivers name in your mod, then you can add that in the "Qualifying" event line and place yourself in the desired starting position. Also make sure to place your name as well under the "PitStopStrategies" events line to make it work.

If you have questions about the steps, please don't hesitate to hit the comments.

In part 2, we will talk about how you can customize the grid in "Championship" mode which is a bit more complicated than this one.

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